Compathnion Technology Limited

constructionInternet and Information Technology

Compathnion Technology Limited has adapted an indoor localisation tools and location based recommendation engine enabled by the cloud, modern methodologies with value-added functions for business development and logistics management.  

WE consist of an award-winning team with a mission to deliver effective location based solutions to fulfill evolving business needs in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. We provide data mining, cleansing, extraction, and analytic services using different big data, artificial intelligence, and edge computing technologies.

WE provide site surveys, SDK toolkit, Content Management Platform, and analytic services using different big data, artificial intelligence and edge computing technologies. We aim to bring revolutionary improvement to all businesses through path-breaking technologies, and collaborate with our clients in innovative ways to unlock business potential using our expertise in indoor positioning. In 2020, we successfully helped Hong Kong Government to implement Stay Home Safe App for self quarantine.

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