Be The Paradigm

constructionHealth and Social Affairs

We are 'Shifting the Paradigm' in rehabilitation by being:

  • Innovative and Dynamic - We like to do what works: anything to get our patients moving and making progress - even if that's using new equipment, techniques, etc.

  • Patient Centered - We are focused on true HEALTHcare and doing everything we can for patients to ensure safety and most importantly, quality of life. Motivating and communicating effectively with patients is key.

  • Counter Culture - Some people want everything to stay the same (the “old way is the right way”), and they push minutes and productivity; we believe there is a better way.

  • Nimble - We embrace change and our management team is flexible and light, allowing decisive and quick actions to maximize patient impact.

  • Dependable - We do what we say we will do and are accountable to our teams.

  • Results Driven - We believe this is the name of the game-- measurable results in reasonabletime, and we hold our employees and patients to the same standards.

Job advertisements at Be The Paradigm