Carolyns Mobile Cat Grooming as an employer

About the company

We are a full service cat grooming company that works in the homes of our clients. We specialize in badly matted senior cats, but we see it all. We might be at a house just for a nail trim or ear cleaning or bath, but most of our clients need a haircut for their cats.

  • Number of employees: 1-10
  • Branch: Other industries

Contact Person

Phone: 8304910391


Carolyns Mobile Cat Grooming
US 78130 New Braunfels

Status: 2024-05-30

Place of work

Carolyns Mobile Cat Grooming
78130 New Braunfels
United States of America

Employer profile

We are a full service cat grooming company that works in the homes of our clients. We specialize in badly matted senior cats, but we see it all. We might be at a house just for a nail trim or ear cleaning or bath, but most of our clients need a haircut for their cats.

Carolyns Mobile Cat Grooming